# Command

implements ICommand

Creates a slash command.

  • name
  • description
  • options
  • permissions
  • permCheck
  • noPerm
  • run

# Import

import { Command } from 'discordkit';
const { Command } = require('discordkit');

# Constructor

new Command({
    name: string,
    description: string,
    options?: ICommandOptions[],
    permissions?: bigint[],
    permCheck?: (bot: Bot, interaction: CommandInteraction) => Promise<boolean> | boolean,
    noPerm?: (bot: Bot, interaction: CommandInteraction) => Promise<any> | any,
    run: (bot: Bot, interaction: CommandInteraction) => Promise<any> | any

# Properties

# .name

The name of the command.
Type: string

# .description

The description of the command.
Type: string

# .options Optional

The options of the command.
Type: ICommandOptions[]

# .permissions Optional

The permissions required to use the command.
Type: bigint[]

# Methods

# .permCheck(bot, interaction) Optional

If it returns true the user can use the command, but if it returns false the command will not be executed.

Parameter Type Description
bot Bot Extended Discord.js client.
interaction CommandInteraction Slash command interaction.

Returns: Promise<boolean> | boolean

new Command({
    permCheck: (bot, interaction) => {
        // only 451444721089380373 can use this command
        return interaction.user.id === '451444721089380373';

# .noPerm(bot, interaction) Optional

This function is called if the user is not authorized to use the command.

Parameter Type Description
bot Bot Extended Discord.js client.
interaction CommandInteraction Slash command interaction.

Returns: Promise<any> | any

new Command({
    noPerm: async (bot, interaction) => {
        await interaction.reply({
            content: 'u\'re not authorized.'

# .run(bot, interaction)

Executed when the command is used.

Parameter Type Description
bot Bot Extended Discord.js client.
interaction CommandInteraction Slash command interaction.

Returns: Promise<any> | any

new Command({
    run: async (bot, interaction) => {
        await interaction.reply({
            content: 'pong, my ping is ' + bot.ws.ping + 'ms.'